- 请求信息 : 2024-07-05 23:49:56 http/1.1 get : http://slypzx.com/mycms/category-113-199.html
- 运行时间 : 0.115525s [ 吞吐率:8.66req/s ] 内存消耗:559.23kb 文件加载:148
- 查询信息 : 19 queries
- 缓存信息 : 0 reads,0 writes
- 会话信息 : session_id=92a41c03a1daa0529c8c6ec5d9a5a602
- connect:[ usetime:0.011375s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=sledudb;charset=utf8
- show full columns from `joys_category` [ runtime:0.002027s ]
- select `id`,`title`,`sectionid` from `joys_category` where `id` = 113 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000437s ]
- show full columns from `joys_section` [ runtime:0.001299s ]
- select * from `joys_section` where `id` = 10 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000375s ]
- select `id`,`title`,`sectionid` from `joys_category` where `sectionid` = 10 and `published` = 1 [ runtime:0.000588s ]
- show full columns from `joys_menu_item` [ runtime:0.001268s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '幼儿教育' [ runtime:0.000592s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '特殊教育' [ runtime:0.000522s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '小学科学' [ runtime:0.000523s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '小学品社' [ runtime:0.000612s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '小学数学' [ runtime:0.000541s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '小学英语' [ runtime:0.000532s ]
- select `link`,`pid` from `joys_menu_item` where `name` = '小学语文' [ runtime:0.000521s ]
- show full columns from `joys_article` [ runtime:0.001587s ]
- select count(*) as think_count from `joys_article` where `published` = 1 and `catid` = 113 limit 1 [ runtime:0.018381s ]
- select `id`,`title`,`publish_up` from `joys_article` where `published` = 1 and `catid` = 113 order by `publish_up` desc limit 0,15 [ runtime:0.018045s ]
- show full columns from `joys_introinfo` [ runtime:0.001797s ]
- select `id`,`title` from `joys_introinfo` where ( iscenter=0 and published=1 and isdocument=2 ) order by `create_time` desc limit 12 [ runtime:0.012947s ]
- select `id`,`title`,`publish_up` from `joys_article` order by `hits` desc limit 12 [ runtime:0.018067s ]